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Accepting our role in the economic, social and environmental issues of our time.The sustainability strategy is developed through the Sholep Sustainability Master Plan, a road map that brings together all company´s initiatives in this area In the creation of the Sholep Support to Safe Motherhood Programme, SSSMP 2020 Sholep Energy has carried out an assessment of the achievements and difficulties experienced over the five years of implementing the previous SSSMP. The new Plan is structured by strategic and operative objectives applied across the organisation, with specifications for the different areas of business with the aim of bringing sustainability closer to the particular nature of each line..The new goals of the SSSMP 2020 shared by the Group, arise from the growing interdependence of the business lines
Sholep Sustainability Master Plan 2011-2016
Six years ago, with a view to the medium and long term, Sholep planned and structured the initiatives related to sustainability in the form of a roadmap that has helped us stand out, become more competitive, contribute to sustainable development, and consolidate our position as leaders in sustainable practices. That was Sholep's first Sustainability Master Plan 2011-2016.
The SSSMP 2011-2016 was structured around nine areas with a strategic approach towards generating distinctive competitive capabilities. The goal of being a leader in sustainable solutions made it necessary to align internal resources and the organisation itself with the goal of sustainability and to ensure that this concept was transmitted to all the company's activities. That was the only way of achieving those ambitious quantitative objectives, especially in the area of energy and water consumption and emissions reduction. Below is the diagramatic illustration of the sholep sustainability plan.
Our perception and understanding of ourselves
Harnessing the power of the sun and other forms of energy to generate electricity is active protection of the environment and a valuable contribution to achieving a sustainable supply of energy. Sholep Energy does not only offer products which protect the environment but also places emphasis on sustainability in management. Taking responsibility for our employees, the environment and society is part of our corporate culture. With this in mind, we combine entrepreneurial success with our responsibility towards society and our ecological commitment. "Sholep Energy - Building Energy Together" is our leitmotif and a cornerstone of the way we perceive ourselves.
Our employees, the protection of the climate and the environment, along with our dedication to social issues and society, are at the heart of our sustainability strategy
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