Opening Times: Mon - Sat 8.00AM - 5.00PM

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Sholep is an industry leading commercial solar developer with top market share in all of our markets

After years in the rapidly transforming solar industry, Sholep Energy understands the importance of cultivating potential from the ground up. We know the utility, regulatory, and geographic landscapes of the areas we serve as well as we know solar and energy storage development, engineering, construction, and operation. In every region we work in, we are the local solar expert and our roots make us a stronger partner. Sholep Energy is an industry leader developing community solar and on-site PPA projects in Africa, the Europe and America. Estblishments choose Sholep to buy development assets from and to design, build, and operate their commercial solar and energy storage installations because of our in-depth expertise where we add value at every stage. Sholep Energy has financed over $600 million of commercial solar projects with our preferred partners. We have projects for sale in all our core markets. Contact us to learn more about our portfolio, capabilities and our transparent partnership style.

Our aim is to generate energy for the future. Solar power remains the most secure source of energy for the future. We set global standards in achieving this goal.

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Plot 1, Agboola Kolawole street, Adjacent New Road, Awoyaya Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos.

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